THE Story

THE Story
This week we begin the Book of Mark. It is the story of Jesus all over again. But don’t let that stop you from sitting in awe as Jesus embeds His story on your heart this week. As you read, you will find stories of baptism and temptation. The call of men to follow Jesus. You will watch as the masses are fed and individuals are healed. Lepers are cleansed, the lame walk, and the blind see. There are stories of teaching and the call to repentance. Can you imagine knowing one of these people? Every time you see them on the street or in the store, they want to tell you THE story. The place where Jesus healed them. The time when Jesus called them. The moment that Jesus…you can fill in the blank. We love the stories that make a difference in our lives. And the story of Jesus makes a difference.

Each gospel, though similar, is different. Why? Because of who tells the story. The Book of Mark has often been called the gospel of Peter. In fact, several early church fathers clearly state their belief that the Book of Mark found its source in the memoir of Peter. When we look at this relationship we can see that Peter and Mark were both part of the same church in Jerusalem. (Acts 12:12-14) Peter writes that Mark is his “son.” (1 Peter 5:13) This is very much like Paul’s relationship with Timothy. (1 Timothy 1:2) This relationship would have given Mark a first hand account of what it was like to walk with Jesus. This relationship helps us get a better feel for how the Jewish community who became believers in Jesus were able to experience transformation.

Many of us have had to change and grow in our faith. The Book of Mark brings the life of Jesus to the front of our vision. It gives us focus as we look at eh the story of God living with humanity. It gives us a perspective on life and growth. Reading Mark will help embed the Word of God deep in your heart. So get ready, here comes THE story…

1. How has the story of Jesus changed your life?

2. How does living in the story of Jesus give you courage to share THE story?

Date Reading
February 19 Mark 1:1-20
February 20 Mark 1:21–45
February 21 Mark 2:1–17
February 22 Mark 2:18–3:12
February 23 Mark 3:13–35
February 24 Mark 4:1–20
February 25 Mark 4:21–41
February 26 Mark 5:1–20


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